Here's what others are saying:

“The 5-day detox challenge was a great experience at just the right time for me. The challenge gave me the final push to finish, and I still use the items from the toolbox most every day.”


Sue M

“I really enjoyed the detox. By using the tools my sleep is improving and my chronic back pain is no longer waking me from sleep. It really helped!”


Alissa E

“This has been an amazing experience , thank you Dr. Loy !! I have watched all the videos twice . I’ve gained encouragement , ideas & motivation from them and the group.”


Lana K

Meet your Instructor

Dr Loy Anderson, MD

I am passionate about helping people learn the skills of healthy living so they can reclaim their lives. I look forward to taking you through this exciting journey. Take a look below to see what we will be covering.

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Welcome from your instructor

    • Course Outline

    • Playbook Pre-Day 1

    • Homework Pre- Day 1

  • 02

    Day 1 - Nutrition and Hydration

    • Day 1 Video Lesson

    • Playbook Day 1

    • Homework Day 1

  • 03

    Day 2 - Sleep and Rest

    • Day 2 Video Lesson

    • Playbook Day 2

    • Homework Day 2

    • Epworth Sleep Scale

    • Sleep-Questionnaire

    • Circadian Rhythm Chart

    • Golden Milk Recipe

  • 04

    Day 3 - Environmental Toxins

    • Day 3 Video Lesson

    • Playbook Day 3

    • Homework Day 3

  • 05

    Day 4 - Electronics and EMFs

    • Introduction for Day 4 - Electronics and EMF's

    • Day 4 Training Video

    • Playbook Day 4

    • Homework Day 4

    • Historical EMF exposure

    • Wavelengths

  • 06

    Day 5 - Relationships and Stress

    • Day 5 Training Video

    • Playbook Day 5

    • Homework Day 5

    • SMART Goal for 5-day Detox Challenge

  • 07

    Bonus - What's next?

    • What's Next?

    • Playbook Day 5 bonus

What are you waiting for?

There is no better time than today to start feeling better and reclaiming your life.