Social proof: testimonials

“I was shocked when I found out I had reactivated EBV. Where do I get information that is credible? Dr. Anderson provides an entire course on EBV that I found essential in my education. I was just looking for answers - but this course not only gives medical answers but completed my education on EBV by discussing how to live with EBV. I had never considered my mindset to be part of increasing my health and it was the most basic and essential element I learned from this course. I can say I have a greater understanding of my EBV and how to live with it day to day because of this course. T”

EBV 101 Student

Terry Aretz

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome to EBV 101!

    • Navigating the Course

    • Before we begin, let's establish where you are at...and where you want to go!

  • 02

    What is EBV?!

    • What is EBV Chapter Notes Download

    • What is EBV?

    • What is CAEBV?

    • What is Reactivation? The EBV life cycle explained.

    • What is EBV?! Test your learning

  • 03

    Understanding Reactivation

    • Understanding Reactivation Chapter Notes Download

    • Welcome to Understanding Reactivation

    • A closer look at reactivation and the symptoms associated with CAEBV.

    • Triggers for Reactivation

    • The Personal Side of Reactivation

    • Symptoms within Thriven with EBV members

    • Wrapping up Understanding Reactivation.

    • Understanding Reactivation: Test your learning

  • 04

    Stress and EBV

    • Stress and EBV Chapter Notes Download

    • What is stress?

    • Our body's stress response and its relationship with EBV.

    • Supporting EBV recovery by regulating your stress response.

    • Understanding the effects of Stress: Test your learning.

  • 05

    Your Biggest Tool: Mindset

    • Your Biggest Tool: Mindset Chapter Notes Download

    • The Power of Mindset

    • The Connection of Mindset with CAEBV

    • How to Shift

    • Understanding Your Biggest tool...Mindset: Test your learning

  • 06

    Targeted Nutrition

    • Targeted Nutrition Chapter Notes Download

    • Nutrition Basics

    • Balancing Your Meals

    • Herbs, Botanicals and Antioxidants

    • Supporting your Detox Pathways

    • Understanding Targeted Nutrition: Test Your Learning

  • 07

    EBV and Sleep

    • EBV and Sleep Chapter Notes Download

    • EBV and Sleep - Part 1

    • EBV and Sleep - Part 2

    • Personal Side of Sleep

    • Understanding the Importance of Sleep: Test your learning.

  • 08

    EBV-specific thoughts on Exercise

    • EBV Specific Thoughts on Exercise Chapter Notes Download

    • EBV and Exercise

    • EBV and Exercise: Test your learning.

  • 09


    • Supplements Chapter Notes Download

    • Supplements and EBV - part 1

    • Supplements and EBV–part 2

    • Supplements and EBV: Test your learning

  • 10

    Not getting better? Other things to consider...

    • Unsolved Mysteries Chapter Notes Download

    • Unsolved Mysteries

    • Unsolved Mysteries: Test your learning

  • 11

    EBV Recipes

    • EBV 101 Recipe Resources

  • 12

    FAQ Section

    • How do I know if I'm in a reactivation?

    • What supplements should I take?

    • How much/what kind of exercise should I be doing?

    • How do I read my EBV labs?

    • Why, when our bodies are in a reactivated state don't our EBV antibodies kick in and win the fight?

    • Am I contagious?

    • How long will it take to feel better/deal with EBV?

  • 13

    Wrapping it All Up

    • Congratulations!

    • End of course survey: Let's evaluate where you are at compared to the beginning of the course!


Instructor Bio:

I trained at Loma Linda University, then became board certified in Family Medicine. After serving in the Air Force, I joined a multispecialty clinic but eventually became dissatisfied with the limitations of a disease management model. I became certified in Functional Medicine and started my own practice in 2017. It is my greatest passion and deepest honor to help people truly restore their health and live the life they were meant to.

Dr Loy Anderson, MD

Senior Instructor


Instructor Bio:

I am a mother of 4, the wife of a farmer in central Montana, and a patient of Dr. Anderson's. A year after initially completing my program at Thriven Functional Medicine, Dr. Anderson discovered I was dealing with Chronic Active EBV. After researching ways to strengthen my body and fight EBV I began moderating the Thriven with EBV Facebook page while also facilitating the Thriven with EBV monthly meetings. I have a passion for the healing functional medicine brings and find great satisfaction in sharing what I have learned with others in hopes it will help them reach optimal health.

Mariah Armstrong

Assistant Instructor